Benzo Taper and Withdrawals 7
The withdrawals are getting to be too much. I’ve been wondering if I should just reinstate. The good days are becoming fewer and fewer and the bad days overwhelming. I’m still not getting quality sleep and that’s wrecking me. The heart palpitations are terrifying. The blood pressure spikes are becoming longer and feel more severe. The exhaustion and anxiety are taking a heavy toll. It’s taking a monumental effort of will just to type this.
I honestly don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. My family is supportive and I even got two phone calls today checking on me. But this is getting to be too much. I just want my life back. I had much, much better quality of life when I was taking the klonopin. I’m really questioning if this is even worth it. I’m beginning to wonder if this is going to kill me. I don’t feel healthy anymore. I can feel the pressure in my chest and abdomen and even my upper back. I don’t think this is worth it at all anymore.